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Grading Promotions! Well done!


The club held three gradings on Wednesday 9 May 2018 at Attitude Dance Studios.

Thanks go to those that helped ensure the gradings went well. Coaches Mark B and Andy W for preparing the participants for the gradings and managing the session while the gradings were underway. Ben, Chris, Ethan, Danny and Rebeka for being uke (training partners) before, during and after the gradings. A special mention to coach Graham for being our photographer. Their help and support is really appreciated.

Well done to Ross on being awarded his 3rd Kyu. To show his new rank Ross will be wearing a blue belt.

Congratulations on passing their 6th Kyu grading go to Jack and Paul, They've moved from being novices and can now wear their white belts with pride after performing well in the gradings. This is their first step towards becoming black belts.

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