The weekend of Saturday 9th and 10th November has some grading presentations as well as the clubs Annual Awards Meal.
At the Saturday class for juniors in Litherland Sports Park Shihan Peter Smith and Sempai Emma Steven presented the certificates.
Ella received her completed Green Belt (4th Kyu) certificates. Finn and Ethan received their completed White Belt (7th Kyu) certificates.
Ella also received on of our Annual Awards, a Special Mention for being among the best students at the club.
The Saturday evening meant we went to Nicola's Italian Restaurant for a meal and the awards presentations.
Shihan Peter and Sensei Jane Saunders made the presentations.
The formal awards given out were:
Coach Of The Year: Emma Steven
Student Of The Year (Senior): Barrie Small
Student Of The Year (Secondary School): Liam Williams
Our more unusual awards that were presented are as follows:
Scarlet Pimpernel: Jane Saunders
The White Rabbit: Jane Saunders
Kancho Award: Jane Saunders
The Invisible Man: Perrin Hoare
International Person Of Mystery: Vivienne Desmond
The Friend Of NAKMAS Award: Alfie Topping
B of the Bang! Joe Park
STEM Award: Max McDonough
WARM UP IS EASY: Aidan Hollingsworth
There were some presentations needed at the Sunday class in the dance studio.
Shihan Peter gave out the awards.
Student Of The Year (Primary School): Oliver Marsden
Special Mention: James Walker
Oliver also picked up a certificate for being in 'Perpetual Motion'.
Congratulations to all of those that were presented with awards over the weekend.
Thank you to the club's students who all strive to improve their martial arts skills all year round.
The club would not be able to function as it does without the support of the families and friends of the coaches and club students. Many thanks to all of you!