Budo Kai Ju Jitsu
Developing life skills to help protect you and your kids
07951 492012
Women's Self Defence
Women's Self Defence
There are several programmes run by the club.
All self defence moves are effective and safe for those taking part.
Techniques are capable of being done by anyone of any age, ability or fitness level.
All sessions are child friendly and a parent is welcome to bring a youngster to the sessions. Those aged over 4 are welcome to take part
Regular Training
The club has regular training sessions. Those that want to learn basic and more complicated moves can practice using a defined syllabus that allows you to learn basic moves and as you progress learn more complicated techniques.
The method uses a coloured belt system to show progress from beginner, to intermediate to advanced.
A list of moves is in the link
Taster Sessions
The club runs single sessions that allow women to learn some basic self defence moves.
The participants are encouraged to ask for advice on dealing with situations relevant to them.
The sessions include advice about personal safety, the UK law as it relates to defensive weapons and using self defence.
​Women's Course
A course lasting six sessions, usually once a week.
This allows you to learn more moves and can help with other self defence skills.
Awareness, confidence and fitness can all be improved duirng the course.
The sessions are run closer to the format of regular training sessions, still emphasisng the needs of the people taking part, rather than following a formal syllabus